June Playlist

June's playlist got a little help from IRL concerts...

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When real life and playlists collide: At the very end of May, my friend Jillian and I went to see VÉRITÉ. Two very good unexpected things happened at that concert. For one thing, Jill introduced me to local DJ Aaron Axelsen, who spun a couple hours of really fun dance jams, a few of which I’ve put on here (I discovered the song “Lifted” pre-concert thanks to him; it’s now hot on Spotify so discover it before all your friends do). The other fun thing is when we bought the tickets, we totally missed the fact that Lostboycrow was the opening act. I was familiar with a few of their songs, like “Powers” and “Love Won’t Sleep,” but I am SO happy I got to hear them in person, because they were totally amazing, and I loved getting to hear more of their sound. I’ve added a couple of my fave tracks of theirs to this month’s playlist to (“Say You Want Me” has been on repeat over here; sorry neighbors!).

June’s playlist is a great mix of songs to take to the beach, to play at an evening barbecue, to dance to in the car on the way home. I hope you enjoy it over the weekend — happy Thursday!!



In This Post:

Image and graphics by Victoria McGinley Studio


  1. 6.30.16
    Julia said:

    YAS! Listening now :)

  2. 7.3.16
    Jessica said:

    Such nice picks x


  3. 7.10.16
    Maria said:

    Cool!! Love it.


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