Read these.

5 things I've recently read. 5 things I think you'll love reading, too.

Things I’ve read; things I think you’ll love too:

Man Called Fran
This essay hits. If you’ve ever renovated, if you’ve ever had a plumbing leak, if you become friends with every last person who shows up at your doorstep, if you love great writing—read immediately, if not sooner. H/T to Haley Nahman’s Substack for sharing.

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“The Pleasure and Communion of Austen’s Country Dance”
Jane Austen fans, Bridgerton lovers, this one’s for you.

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“What Happened to Wirecutter?”
Did standards change, or is the Internet just less fun?

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Long Live the Tribe of Fatherless Girls
The best memoir I have ever read. So good, I bought my own copy when I was two-thirds of the way through, because I knew giving the library copy back and living without this work on my shelf for the rest of my life simply wouldn’t do. I will think about these essays for a long time.

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“Culture Study Meets Bama RushTok
Anne Helen Peterson takes on the gyrating neon cacophony of RushTok. As ever, her deep dive is excellent.

In this Post:

Phenomenal watercolor artwork by Violet, obviously.