A Tuesday Exercise in Inspiration

The best stuff is a click away, if you're just willing to dive down the rabbit hole.

I was in the mood to put together a pretty, inspiring post for today, especially after settling back into this space following a quiet couple of weeks. Sometimes I come across things online that are an immediate “OOH, NEED TO SHARE” and others times, I dig a little longer before I get inspired. When I was browsing for ideas yesterday, I went to a source I used to rely on all the time, but for some reason, over the years, it’s fallen off my radar—Pinterest! Serious question for you: if you use Pinterest and re-pin photos, how often do you click through your pins to learn more about them? I’ll admit, the platform is mostly a visual thing for me, and one I use more for client inspiration gathering than anything else. I know there are legions of people who will use it to try new recipes and DIYs…I just haven’t been among them.

But yesterday, I was curious. What if I started clicking on pins I’d saved recently, to see where they’d lead? What about the pins I’ve saved for years, and still make me sit up in my seat and think Beautiful, I love this image every time I scroll past them? I started clicking to see what rabbit hole I’d fall into.

The verdict? Definitely a lot of Instagram and Tumblr links. But there were a surprising number of cool things I stumbled upon, and I’m sharing them with you below. You should try this some lazy weekend afternoon if you are wanting to get inspired too! You never know what you’ll discover…


Pins & Sources

1. Bethany Crutchfield Photography  ·  Pin Source   |   2. The Fashion Medley  ·  Pin Source   |   3. Studio EGD artwork  ·  Pin Source   |   4. Darn Good Co. by Meg Lewis   ·  Pin Source   |   5. Ann Street Studio  ·  Pin Source    ·   Follow on Instagram   |   6. Adore Magazine tour  ·  Pin Source   |   7. XO Lingerie Typeface  ·  Pin Source   |   8. Wolf & Stag blog  ·  Pin Source   |   9. @ZachMilne Instagram  ·  Pin Source


view all my pins here


  1. 4.30.18
    Shirsha said:

    Such gorgeous pins and photos… I rarely click through the pins I see on Pinterest… you’re inspiring me to spend some time clicking through :)

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