The Word

all-we-can-do-is-the-best-we-can-do-quote 2

**UPDATE** I realized about a week later that I totally effed up this quote. See the end of this post!

I love this quote from the book 10% Happier, which I mentioned reading back over here (yes, yes, another quote from it. This should tell you something!). I’m nearly finished with it, and have done a ton of book “highlighting” in my Kindle. Funnily enough, this quote was used in a political context by its speaker, but I thought it especially apt for pretty much every circumstance in life — and it’s a great thought to carry with us into the work week ahead. I’ve really enjoyed the book and am going to chat more about it soon, I promise!

Meanwhile, the quote felt especially apt today, because while I had a laid back, low key weekend, for a lot of it I wasn’t feeling too hot. We spent part of the afternoon on Saturday at Joe’s nephew’s 3rd birthday party, and I’m thinking that we both picked up a bug from one (or all?) of the kiddos, especially since we’re never around little ones. The good news? It meant we did absolutely nothing yesterday except eat chicken soup and watch a weird assortment of movies about surfing (don’t ask). The bad news? There is none. Even with a virus, the lounging was pretty spectacular. Hoping with good eating and lots of rest this week, I’ll be ready for 30th birthday celebrations this coming weekend. Bring on my last week as a 20 something!

What do you have in store this week?

Update: Okay, so, I was going back through highlighted parts in my book, and realized I totally misquoted Mr. Axelrod. He actually said, “All we can do is everything we can do.” Hm. Similar sentiment, but I kind of like mine better. It must mean something that I switched out “everything” with “the best” subconsciously, right? In light of the fact that I completely, unintentionally botched his quote, I’ve removed his name from the original graphic that was published here. Sorry, guys (and David Axelrod)!

Image created by Victoria McGinley


  1. 7.28.14

    Summer bugs are the worst! I hope you’re feeling in tip top shape before your big celebration weekend :)

  2. 7.28.14

    I’m reading the book now! Hope you’re feeling better and have something fabulous planned for your birthday!

  3. 7.28.14
    Kayla said:

    Aw.. I love this quote! I try to remind myself to just be the best me I can be! ; )


  4. 7.28.14

    Ah! I needed this reminder today. Hope you’re feeling better!

  5. 7.28.14

    Love this a lot. Hope you are feeling better my dear! xx

  6. 7.29.14

    Great quotation and hope you feel better ASAP!

  7. 7.30.14

    Totally random but I love that you mentioned that you did a lot of Kindle highlighting! I think that’s one of my favourite features of Kindle and I definitely do way too much highlighting in all my Kindle books! Hope you’re feeling better now!

    • 7.30.14
      Victoria McGinley said:

      On the up and up, thanks! Yes, I love Kindle highlighting…half the time I don’t even reference what I highlighted, but highlighting itself seems to help me remember some of the nuggets of wisdom!

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